Today you will be a better person than yesterday, the world will be
on your side.
Daily Inspirational Reminder – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures
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Today you will be a better person than yesterday, the world will be
on your side.
Daily Inspirational Reminder – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures
<<< Find Peace at Home >>>>
Always remember be kind ,be fair , be true and all of these things will come back to you .
Daily Inspirational Reminder – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures
<<<< Find Peace at Home >>>>
Nothing is impossible and you can achieve anything as long as you set your mind to it and don’t give up .
Motivational Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures
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Life is brighter when we focus on what truly matters .
Positive Thinking – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures and Motivational Thoughts
Let’s talk about ways to awaken your inspiration
This is something pleasant, a magical state in which you want to create.
You’re really ready to move mountains.
Daily Inspirational Reminder – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures
<<<< Find Peace at Home >>>>
“I am driven by happy thoughts and coffee.”
Good morning ~ Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Pictures and Wonderful Thoughts
<<< Inspiring ~ Reaching Out & Touching Hearts >>>
1. Boosts your immune system: Lemons are high in vitamin C and potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure.
2. Balances pH: Lemon is one of the most alkaline foods around. Yes, lemon has citric acid but it does not create acidity in the body once metabolized, so, you’ll reduce your body’s overall acidity.
3. Helps with weight loss: To fight hunger cravings maintain a more alkaline diet, this is because lemons are high in pectin fiber.
4. Aids in digestion: It encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid that required for digestion, which reduces heartburn and constipation.
5. Is a diuretic: Lemons increase the rate of urination in the body, which helps purify it from toxins, therefore, helps keep your urinary tract healthy.
6. Clears skin: Lemon water purges toxins from the blood which helps keep skin clear as well, this is thanks to the vitamin C component, which helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes.
7. Freshens breath: The citric acid can kill the bacteria, so it can help relieve tooth pain and gingivitis.
Tips for Brushing Your Teeth
Over thinking is the biggest cause of our unhappiness.
Keep yourself occupied.
Keep your mind off things that don’t help you.
Think Positive .
Positive Thinking ~ Good morning ~ Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Pictures and Wonderful Thoughts