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Tag Archives: health tips
Sunshine Benefits for Your Body–
Sunshine Benefits for Your Body– It is often the case that we are recommended to use sunscreen if we are going out somewhere and that we will be exposed to sunshine quite intensely. However, as it turns out, even sunshine … Continue reading
Health Tips for Healthy Living
————————————————– 1.If you are eating canned fruits or vegetables, wash them before you eat. It helps cut out the sugar and half the salt at least. 2.Low-fat dairy, leafy greens, sardines, and fortified cereals and juices are great sources of calcium. … Continue reading
Never brush your teeth after a meal
Health Inspirations – Tips – For Healthy Life – Take care of you Body. It is the only place you live <<<< In pursuit of a Healthy Life ~ Welcome Home >>>>
12 Possible Heart Symptoms Never To Ignore ~ Live Healthy
12 Possible Heart Symptoms Never To Ignore ~ Live Healthy 1. Anxiety 2. Chest Discomfort 3. Cough 4. Dizziness 5. Fatigue 6. Nausea or Lack of Appetite 7. Pain in other parts of body 8. Rapid or irregular pulse 9. … Continue reading
Tips – For Healthy Life,Vitamin D Improves Mood,
Vitamin D Improves Mood, Cognition and Pain Tolerance- Without the sunshine vitamin, few of us would experience lives free of disease. Two new studies show that increased levels of vitamin D not only reduce the risk of developing cognitive impairments, … Continue reading
Effective weight loss remedy
Chew a thin slice of ginger with 4-5 mint leaves daily. This help to control blood sugar and aids in weight loss . Eat Healthy~Be Aware : Staying Fit Tips ~ Beauty Tips ~ Health Inspirations <<<<Health is Wealth..Eat Healthy..Be aware..Welcome … Continue reading
Symptoms prevention kidney disease Symptoms prevention-kidney disease
Most people are not aware of that kidney illness can be silent killers. They may not show any kind of signs and symptoms for a long period of time till the scenario ends up being crucial. It is very important … Continue reading
Pain reliever in hand
Applying pressure to an area of your hand between your thumb and forefinger may relieve anxiety and pain. How to do it correctly
12 Symptoms of Kidney Disease That You Must Know
Most people are not aware of that kidney illness can be silent killers. They may not show any kind of signs and symptoms for a long period of time till the scenario ends up being crucial. It is very important … Continue reading
Lady Finger for Diabetes-
Lady Finger for Diabetes-Please note that another name for Lady Finger is “OKRA “. Take two pieces of Lady Finger and remove/cut both ends of each Piece. Also put a small cut in the middle and put these two pieces … Continue reading
Mistakes people make in the gym-
Mistakes people make in the gym- Mistake 1: Having a lack of intensity Working out at the gym is a decision that you have made. Don’t club it with other stuff like reading a magazine or watching TV. Mistake … Continue reading
Talcum powder is Linked to Ovarian Cancer. Shocking Reasons to Stop Using It Immediately
Without knowing it, you have probably used talcum powder or other talc powder containing products. It is used in many industries. Talc is used in cosmetics and body powders, including those for babies. But, lately some studies have shown that talcum … Continue reading
How to properly treat colds and flu.
———————————————————————————————————- How to properly treat colds and flu. Rest is very important to get back as quickly, you have to sleep at least 8-9 hours a night, do not exercise and should eat plenty of fluids (non-alcoholic). To take preventive … Continue reading
Health tip of the day
Every 35 days , your skin replaces itself . Your liver,about a month . Your body makes these new cells from the food you eat . What you eat .What you eat literally becomes you You have a choice in … Continue reading
Home Remedies For Cough
Coughing is one of the most common health problems. When there is a blockage or irritant in your throat or upper air passages, your brain thinks a foreign element is present and tells your body to cough to remove that … Continue reading