10 Health Benefits of Ginger

Health Benefits of Ginger,Healthy Lifestyle ,Health Inspirations ,health tips,home remedy,morning sickness,cold,flu prevention,
Ginger is the common name for Zingiber officinale, which was originaly cultivated in China and now equally spread around the world.
Ginger has been used as a natural remedy for many ailments for centuries. Now, science is catching up and researchers around the world are finding that ginger works wonders in the treatment of everything from cancer to migraines. Here are ten health benefits of this powerful herb.
1. Ovarian cancer treatment
2. Colon cancer prevention
3. Morning sickness relief
4. Motion sickness remedy
5. Reduces pain and inflammation
6. Heartburn relief
7. Prevention of diabetic
8. Migraine relief
9. Menstrual cramp relief
10. Cold and flu prevention

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Avoid animal killing in the name of ….


Love,Kindness Quotes ,Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures

Avoid animal killing in the name of so called religion and for the taste of your tongue.

Love/Kindness Quotes – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures

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Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures


Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures

Don’t let a dark past ruin your bright future .

Daily Inspirational Reminder – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures

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Top 12 benefits of wheatgrass


 benefits of wheatgrass

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Happy Republic Day ,India ,26 January,Quotes,Messages,Images,Status


Happy Republic Day ,India ,26 January,Quotes,Messages,Images,Status

Saffron – Strength and Courage ….

The white middle band for Peace and Truth …

The Green – for Fertility, Growth and Auspiciousness …   

                            My India , My Pride – Vande Mataram …

Happy Republic Day

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Good morning ,Trust – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures & Motivational Thoughts

Good morning ,Trust – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures & Motivational Thoughts
If You Want To Be HONEST , Be TRUE.

 ~ Good morning ~


Trust – Inspirational Quotes, Pictures & Motivational Thoughts

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Ability and Qualities – Wisdom Quotes, Pictures and Thoughts


Good morning , trust,Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Pictures and Wonderful Thoughts.

Respond intelligently even to unintelligent treatment.

Ability and Qualities – Wisdom Quotes, Pictures and Thoughts
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Positive Thinking – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures


Positive Thinking Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures

I am thankful for all those difficult people in my life, they have shown me exactly who I do not want to be.

Positive Thinking – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Thoughts and Pictures

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Happy Republic Day status,Images,Quotes,Speech


Happy Republic Day status,Images,Quotes,Speech

Freedom in mind, Faith in our heart, Memories in our souls. Let’s salute the Nation on Republic Day

Happy Republic Day

Few facts about our India
The Sanskrit name for India is – Bharat
India is derived from River Indus (Sindhu) where Aryans Settled.
Aryabhatta invented Zero
Oldest University in the world was Takshila( 700 BC)- 10,500 students from all over world learnt 60 subjects
Nalanda University still exists(4th Century)
Ayurveda is the earliest known school of medicine. Its father Charaka, consolidated Ayurveda 2500years ago.
Art of Navigation and Navigating was first born in river Sindhu. The word Navigation is derived from Sandkrit word Navagatih.
In 5th Century Bhaskracharya rightly calculated the time taken by the earth to complete orbit – 365.258756484
We are proud to be Indian!

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Good morning Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures


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Sometimes you have to go through the worst to get the best…

Good morning ~Daily Inspirational Reminder – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures

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Sleeping On The Left Side Is Good For Health


Sleeping On The Left Side Is Good For Health

The side you sleep on can be quite important for your overall health. Sleeping on the right side can worsen heartburn. However, sleeping on the left side can put a strain on internal organs like the liver, lungs, and stomach, but also while reducing acid reflux. Pregnant women are also advised to sleep on their left side for optimal blood flow.

It is very common to hear people telling all their issues on just one side of the body. A pain in the left foot, a bad left hip, a bad left shoulder, left-sided abdominal pain, a pain in the neck on the right side. Why is this so?

Why do rashes choose the left or right side of the body?

Why does the acuity of the eyes differ so greatly from one to the other?

Why do we get pains often on just one side of the body?

Well, according to Ayurveda – the most ancient tradition of oriental medicine – the left side of the body is completely different than the right side, and, while it may sound strange, emphasizing the left side for rest and sleep offers tested wisdom for very real health benefits and longevity. Ayurveda states that congestion happens in the body according to a certain pattern, or priority system. In this priority system, the lymph is the body’s first detox system to congest, before the liver and blood become overwhelmed. Thus, early lymph issues may present more on the left side of the body and move to the right as they become more long-standing and begin to congest the liver and the blood. At this point symptoms may start to show up on the right side of the body!

So, the left side of the body is the dominant lymphatic side. The majority of the body’s lymph fluid drains into the thoracic duct, located on the left side. Along the way, lymph fluid, carrying proteins, glucose and other metabolites and waste products, is purified in the lymph nodes, and is then drained into the left side of the heart.

Choose your left side for better heart function

Of course, one of the biggest players on the left side is the heart. It makes sense that if you sleep on your left side, the lymph drainage toward the heart will again be helped by gravity, taking some of the workload off the heart as you sleep.

The aorta, which is the biggest artery in the body, leaves the top of the heart and arches to the left before it heads down into the abdomen. By sleeping on the left side, the heart is pumping its biggest payload downhill into the descending aorta.

Sleeping on the left side also allows much of the intestines to hang away from the very thin-walled inferior vena cava (IVC) which brings venous blood back toward the heart. Interestingly, the IVC lies against the right side of the spine, so when you lie on the left much of the viscera falls away from the IVC. Here again, gravity is just making the heart’s job a little easier.

The spleen is on the left

The spleen, which is part of the lymphatic system, is also on the left. The spleen is much like a gigantic lymph node, except that in addition to filtering lymph it also filters blood. When you lay on the left side, drainage back to the spleen is once again helped and made easier by gravity.

Remember, the lymph system drains all the cells in the body via movement and muscular contractions, rather than being pumped by the heart. Helping the lymph to drain to the spleen and heart with gravity is a good thing.

Left-side sleeping brings better digestion too

The position we take while sleeping plays a very significant role in our digestion, as well. In ancient times, the monks used to lie down after each meal just for ten minutes to improve the digestive process.

Vivian Eisenstadt, physical therapist in Los Angeles, Calif., told Medical Daily: “If you’re going to sleep on your side, pillow prop using the following: an ergonomic pillow thick enough so your head doesn’t tilt down, a small pillow under your waist so your stomach doesn’t curve down, and a 3rd pillow between your legs.”

source ~ curiousmindmagazine

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6 Pains You Should Never Ignore


Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t quite right. Certain pains typically signal serious problems that need medical attention.

 6 Pains You Should Never Ignore

1. Severe Abdominal Pain 

Your abdominal pain might be as a result of some gastrointestinal problems in your gallbladder and pancreas, stomach ulcers, and intestinal blockages or even a ruptured appendix.

2. Chest Pain

If you experience chest pain that doesn’t go away, and  shortness of breath, you should call your doctor  immediately.

3. Severe Headache

If your excruciating headache is not accompanied by other migraine symptoms such as sudden, severe head pain can signal a brain aneurysm. “A burst aneurysm can cause brain damage within minutes, so you need to call your doctor  immediately,” advises Elsa-Grace Giardina, MD, a cardiologist and director of the Center for Women’s Health at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center.

4. Back pain with tingling toes

It could be that one of your discs is pressing on the spinal nerve. Without proper attention, you risk permanent nerve damage.

5. Sharp Pain in Your Side

This may be a sign of appendicitis. Appendicitis manifests itself as an inflammation and pain in your belly button but it slowly moves to your right lower abdomen, which causes severe, sharp pain sensations. The signs of appendicitis are  nausea, vomiting, fever, constipation, inflammation, diarrhea, shaking.

6. Deep Vein Thrombosis

You may be one of the 2 million Americans affected each year by deep vein thrombosis (DVT). DVT refers to blood clots that can occur in the leg’s deep veins and break loose.  Deep vein thrombosis (or DVT) will cause rapid pain usually accompanied by swelling. It’s vital to see a doctor immediately to prevent the clot from  obstructing blood flow and moving into the lungs, heart (causing a heart attack), or brain (resulting in a stroke).

 Source : livingtraditionally

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Good morning ~ Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Pictures and Wonderful Thoughts.


Good morning ~ Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Pictures and Wonderful Thoughts.Wherever you go bring light ..

Good morning ~ Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Pictures and Wonderful Thoughts.

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Health Tips~Avoid drinking tea and coffee immediately after meals


Health Inspirations,Tips,tea,coffee,healthy drinks,juices

Avoid drinking tea and coffee immediately after meals as they interfere in
the absorption of iron from the food.!

If u want to drink juice,Take freshly prepared juice an hour before meals or just before retiring for the night. For proper absorption of the juice, remember the stomach should be relatively empty when you have the juice and also do not
take anything for about half an hour after the juice.

Health Tips ~ Be Aware : Take care of your body ~ Health Inspirations

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Quote for the day…Peace is not when everyone agrees


good morning  ,Peace , Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures

Peace is not when everyone agrees. It is when we can respect our disagreements and still play in the sandbox together.

Good morning  /Peace – Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes and Pictures

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