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Category Archives: Diet
Health inspiration
The beauty of “food-as-medicine” is that the choice to promote health can BEGIN as soon as the next meal. Healthy Diet – Health Inspirations ~ Encouraging a Beautiful You!!!! Start a Healthy Life ~ Here & Today
Plan your diet for healthy weight loss and healthy heart
Plan your diet for healthy weight loss and healthy heart Dieting is one of the routes taken for weight loss to achieve heart and overall health. However, what most of us don’t know is that if your diet is unplanned, … Continue reading
Diet for better life
Diet for better life Avoid- Negative people ,fake people,envious people,people who don’t want to see you happy. In a month you will lose 5 kg of anxiety will earn 5 kg of happiness. Inspiring Healthy Diet – Health Inspirations ~ … Continue reading
Health benefits of Chillies
The pros Chili contains up to seven times the vitamin C level of an orange and has a range of health benefits, including fighting sinus congestion, aiding digestion and helping to relieve migraines and muscle, joint and nerve pain. It’s … Continue reading
Why eat full fats
Inspiring Healthy Diet – Health Inspirations ~ Encouraging a Beautiful You!!!! Stay Healthy ~ Stay Happy ~ Welcome Home
Paul McKenna’s four golden rules for losing weight without going on a diet
Author of the best-selling “diet” book I Can Make You Thin and host of a TV show by the same name, McKenna claims his weight loss method works for seven out of ten people, whereas traditional diets work for only one in … Continue reading
Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd~
Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd~ Bitter gourd has been associated with lowering sugar levels in people suffering from diabetes. Bitter gourd is said to be helpful in fighting against cancer and a number of infections. Bitter gourd has been known … Continue reading
Improve your memory with spinach
Benefits of spinach ;Just 1 cup of steamed spinach contains more than 65% of your daily value for folate and more than 20% of your d v for vitamin B6 Inspiring Healthy Diet – Health Inspirations ~ Encouraging a Beautiful You!!!! … Continue reading
To control your diabetes is in your hands now
To control your diabetes is in your hands now. Power of natural home remedies . Health Inspirations – Tips – For Healthy Life – Take care of you Body. It is the only place you live <<<< In pursuit of a Healthy Life ~ … Continue reading
Top 5 Inflammatory food
Top 5 Inflammatory food ,sugar, trans fats,white bread 7 pasta ,cheeseburger,alcohol, Health Inspirations – Tips – For Healthy Life – Take care of you Body. It is the only place you live <<<< In pursuit of a Healthy Life ~ Welcome Home >>>>
Eat healthy for healthy life
When your diet supplies all the nutrients in the right quantity according to the requirement of the body,it is called balanced diet . A balanced diet of each day includes a minimum number of servings from each group. They are as follows : … Continue reading
The main causes of liver damage are~
The main causes of liver damage are~ 1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause. 2. Not urinating in the morning. 3. Too much eating. 4. Skipping breakfast. 5. Consuming too much medication. 6. Consuming too … Continue reading
Sugar suppresses the immune system
DID YOU KNOW? Sugar suppresses the immune system. When you eat a big dose of sugar, like a bottle of Coke or a candy bar, you temporarily tamp down your immune system’s ability to respond to challenges. The effect lasts for … Continue reading
Nutrients and foods that enhance the immune system
Control Blood Pressure and Reduce The Risk Of Heart Attack~ There are five types of foods that should be avoided. 1. Processed salt (sodium chloride) 2. Some foods that we purchase in readily made condition are processed and treated in … Continue reading
What is balanced Diet ?
When your diet supplies all the nutrients in the right quantity according to the requirement of the body,it is called balanced diet . A balanced diet of each day includes a minimum number of servings from each group. They are as follows … Continue reading