Wash your veggies and detox


Wash your veggies and detox

According to the FDA, you should wash all produce under running water before you cut, cook or eat it — regardless of if you buy it at the supermarket, farmers market or grow it in your own backyard. The FDA doesn’t recommend using vegetable wash, and suggests that you always wash your produce before cooking or eating, regardless if you plan to peel it or not. Unwashed produce can be contaminated with bacteria, that when consumed can lead to food-borne illness.

Wait to wash.
Washing produce before storing may promote bacterial growth and speed up spoilage, so it is often recommended to wait and wash fruits and vegetables just before use. Generally, soil has been removed from fresh produce but if not and you chose to wash before storing, dry thoroughly with clean paper towels before storing.

How should fruit and vegetables be washed?

For purer taste, preventing food borne illnesses, and cleaning your food of pesticides are all reasons it is important to wash your fruits and vegetables. When you come home from the market, try this easy homemade produce spray. The number-one way to avoid getting sick is to make sure that your produce is clean. Even if you grow your own or buy organic, a thorough rinse is always a good idea.

Put all ingredients in spray bottle:

1 cup water

1 cup white vinegar

1 tbsp baking soda

1/4 cup lemon juice

Throw food in a bowl in the sink. Spray the produce and let sit for 10 minutes. Rinse with clean water.

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