

WATER THERAPY,benefits of drinking waterWATER THERAPY~
Early morning, after you get up from bed, (without even brushing your teeth) drink 1.liters of water i.e. 4 to 5 glasses. You may wash your face thereafter. This is called water therapy.
Relief from stress, weight loss, glowing skin, feeling fresh and energetic throughout the day and good digestion are some of the major benefits of water therapy.
For old and serious diseases as well as modern illnesses, the water therapy had been found helpful by a Japanese medical society for cure for the diseases like Headache,Body Ache,Heart problems,Arthritis,Epilepsy,Excess Weight,Bronchitis,Asthma,TB,Meningitis,Kidney and Urinary diseases,Vomiting,gastritis,Diarrhea,Piles,Diabetes,Constipation,Eye Diseases and Menstrual Disorders.

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One Response to WATER THERAPY

  1. Misbah says:

    What to do if sometime I feel unsecure

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